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SEE one of many of my reviews:
“In this new fast-paced adventure, an American air hero of early World War II, Captain Matthew “Rogue” Ryan, retires to Hawaii to start his own air-tour-of-the-islands business, only to face Nazi enemies and every conceivable kind of villainous entity of evil since H. P. Lovecraft and Dashiell Hammett penned yarns for the pulps. Enjoy living in the literature of yesteryear? Then you’ll savor leaping headfirst into these pulpish pages. The flowing action and excitement never let up, even during the expository or exotic love scenes, as Ryan faces down every kind of life-threatening situation. The sweat never stops pouring out of Piazza’s prose, and the sweat never stops draining off Ryan’s face as he tries to save all of us innocent folks from certain destruction at the hands of Hitler’s henchmen and other monstrous killers of both sexes. If only more writers reminded us of how much fun reading was in the days of Planet Stories, Argosy, Fantastic Adventures and Blue Book!” – John Stanley, author of THE GANG THAT SHOT UP HOLLYWOOD and I WAS A TV HORROR HOST at
HERE’S THE LINK…To your passport of adventure: