If you love the classic detective films of the 30s or 40s, I know you’ll enjoy “Murder is Such Sweet Revenge.” No zombies, handcuff use (except what they were meant for), or four-letter words. Just good old fashion entertainment that will leave you with a smile, and not guilt after you close its’ cover. Mystery, romance, comedy, and plain fun…like they use to write them for screen, or otherwise. If you don’t like to go the print route…an e-book will soon be released.
Are you tired of Zombies?
I am.
What about books that use to bought in the back of cigar stores, and is now being passed off as literature?
I wouldn’t know…although I do have a trench coat, snapped brim hat, and dark glasses.
What has happened to those classic detective stories that were written by respectable writers like Chandler or Hammett?
And the movies that charmed us from the 30s and 40s, like “The Maltese Falcon,” “The Thin Man,” and “The Big Sleep?”
And great actors like Bogie, Bacall, Powell, and Loy…not to mention, Asta.
Isn’t it time to read a book that you can openly enjoy and not be ashamed to admit that you read it.
What about just being entertained with a great story, filled with mystery, suspense, romance, humor, and heart-stopping action like they use to write them?
If so, then “Murder is Such Sweet Revenge” will be just right for you!
Who says honeymoons aren’t dangerous? This one was murder!
Private investigator Tom Logan and his girlfriend Rita finally tie the knot, choosing a turn-of-the-century beach resort on Coronado Island as their ideal honeymoon escape. Unfortunately what begins as a romantic getaway, ends suddenly with murder. A bestselling author is brutally killed on the night of a mystery writers’ convention, and Logan is forced to postpone their plans when drawn reluctantly into the case. During the course of the investigation, Logan meets an odd assortment of suspects that include: a soon-to-be ex-wife seeking monetary compensation, a jealous husband whose wife may be having an affair with the author, the writer’s male secretary who’s subservience to his boss was wearing thin, a lady mystery author with an agenda all her own, and a pair of publishers whom the writer accuses of plagiarism. A famous actor who plays a detective on the screen also makes a surprise appearance, as does a hotel ghost who just refuses to check out. Matching wits with a vengeful killer is what Logan does best, and he does exactly that in Murder is
Tony Piazza is author of the 1930s Hollywood murder mystery novel, “Anything Short of Murder,” which had its roots on the TCM fan website. His second novel, “The Curse of the Crimson Dragon” was next released early 2012, and in July of 2013, his latest Tom Logan Mystery, “A Murder Amongst Angels” was published and is available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble websites. A new Tom Logan novel has been completed and is scheduled to be released in 2015. He was an actor/extra during the 1970s and worked with such legends as Steve McQueen, Paul Newman, and Karl Malden. His non-fiction e-book “Bullitt Points” is an in depth look at the making of “Bullitt” from a person who was there. Look for it on Amazon and Barnes and Noble websites, or at the link posted below. All profits go to the Boys Republic in Chino, California. The McQueen family’s favorite charity: www.bullittpoints.com.
Tony Piazza is a member of three prestigious writer’s organizations: Sisters in Crime, Mystery Writers of America, and the SLO NightWriters.
Great news, Tony. I know what a huge deal this is. Congrats on your new release. I’m going to get a copy.
All the best,
Hi Paul,
Thank you. This book has some SinC connections that I’m sure will make it stand above the rest. Marilyn Meredith’s “How to Write a Mystery” class helped spark the story idea, and Sue McGinty’s guiding hand in copy editing and beta reading has I believe, dramatically improved the original manuscript. I’m extremely confident in this one…and am grateful for all my favorite people…which obviously includes you, Paul, for all their advice and support on my journey as an author throughout these five years.
Ms. Cartwright suggested that I contact you.
As a member of Sisters in Crime, I am a published author of Hijack At Malacca, a completed novel with screen play looking for a director / agent to help produce a film for the big screen.
Can you assist in these areas?
Hi Syd,
If I could assist you in this area, Syd, I certainly would try. I know one independent producer, but he’s struggling trying to make it on his own (ie, hard to find investors). If you want to do this properly I think you need to go to the big studios with your project.How you submit it, I haven’t a clue. I’ve never tried. It could be as simple as mailing it to a specified department…however, you might have more luck if you hire an agent to represent you, one that can do the footwork for you. Check the trade papers for one. One thing please keep in mind…these things don’t happen overnight. Could take a few years. Wish I could help you more.
Best of luck,
Tony Piazza